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Mandela project : Play review writing competition winner

Par admin niemaz, publié le jeudi 28 mars 2019 11:39 - Mis à jour le jeudi 28 mars 2019 11:39
mandela poster final 2019 tom new comp a4 small-2.jpg

After studying in class the historical context of Apartheid in South Africa and the life and accomplishments of the iconic figure of Nelson Mandela (biography, the cause he was fighting for, together with the means to achieve his goal) the students of the 2e euro section watched the play produced by the company "théâtre en anglais" entitled 'Prisoner 46664 : Nelson Mandela . They were then asked to write a critical review of the play.


Here's the winning production by Livio Pulcini, among other good ones of course !

Congratulations to Livio and to the rest of the class who showed a great involvement in the project.

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